A Touch of Inspiration

What is it you seek? Is it freedom; a beautiful story of undying love between two bonded souls? Perhaps you’re striving for unfathomable beauty. Maybe you’re chasing views, tucked away in the farthest corners of the planet.

Life is driven by purpose. Purpose is fueled through everlasting passion. Passion is born upon the touch of inspiration.

It is through this touch that you are set on a path. Yet this path isn’t paved. No one’s cleared the road ahead of you. You are the explorer of your own lifetime, inventor of your own destiny. You generate your own success, your own happiness. You create your own love.

You are in control of exactly how this life works out for you. There will be times where you feel out of control. There may be times where someone else attempts to blueprint your future. Just know that you’re the pilot of this aircraft. In the end, you always have more control than anyone else does, over your own life.

Sure, you’re going to struggle. You will relapse. No one said that this thing called life was going to be easy for you. There will be days when you question it all. Accept the days to come, where you lose sight of what your purpose was. Welcome that fear to take that next step necessary.

These are not setbacks or failures. These are lessons. These are tests. And if you’re true to your heart, dig down deep. Search for that strength that I know is inside of you. Find it and create the will to endure. Find your sight and reach beyond the fear.

So build a plan for yourself that makes you want to jump out of bed. Meet someone that makes you trip over your toes. You only get one shot at this life. So make the most of it. Plan ahead, but don’t plan so far that you forget you’re in a moment.

So what is it you seek? Maybe this isn’t the right question to ask. This implies that what you seek is hiding under a bed, with its little feet sticking out. Sometimes what we seek in life isn’t hiding. Sometimes it has to be built.

Instead try asking yourself this, how can I design what it is I seek. Once you ask yourself that, answer your own question.Think about what inspires you. Then build a purpose around that inspiration in life and go for it. Don’t be afraid. After all, this is life. And life is driven by purpose, fueled by passion with a touch of inspiration…

Writer, Inspire, Climb.

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